F I F T H Atmosphere
What makes a person healthy?
Is healthcare a right or privilege?
How do our interactions with our environment and other people impact our health?
What scientific developments and medical practices can address these needs?
Health is the ability of an individual and community to adapt to physical, environmental, and social changes. Conflicts around health equity stem from differences in belief and values about what rights humans are entitled to. The financial, physical, and emotional costs of supporting quality individual and community health can be extensive. The Health ’n Justice project explored the biological and philosophical elements of health equity culminating in a community panel run by students. Research conducted during the semester will also be published in a book including individual, community and international health issues.
Heart Disease, Anatomy and Physiology for biotech Osler, MD
Infectious disease, bacteria and viral infections, and handwashing as a preventative measure for Project Kalay
Environmental Impacts, health and marine debris surveys for the Tijuana River Estuarine Research Reserve

FALL 2017
Plan and conduct an investigate to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis (HS-LS1-3).
Science & Engineering Practices: Planning and carrying out investigations.
Disciplinary Core Ideas: Multicellular organisms have a hierarchical structural organization in which any one system is made up of numerous parts and is itself a component of the next level (HS-LS1-2). Feedback mechanisms maintain a living system's internal conditions within certain limits and mediate behaviors, allowing it to remain alive and functional even as external conditions change within some range. Feedback mechanisms can encourage or discourage what is going on inside the living system (HS-LS1-3).
Crosscutting Concepts: Structure and function (HS-LS1-1). Stability and Change (HS-LS1-3).
Mammalian Dive Response Lab
Choose Your Variable Heart Rate and Blood Oxygen Lab
What's the "dirtiest.." Bacteria Culture Challenge
NOAA Shoreline Marine Debris Survey
Taste the Rainbow